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Chiropractic Care & Sciatica


Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center has been treating sciatica patients for the College Park and Riverdale community since 2012. Our chiropractic offices can be found at: 5495 Old National Hwy. Suite C1, College Park, GA 30349 and 7594 GA-85 , Riverdale, GA 30274.   Sciatica is referred to nerve pain caused by an injury or irritation, or pinching of the Sciatic nerve. This nerve originates from the buttock/gluteal area. The sciatic nerve is one of the thickest and longest nerves in the body. It runs from the lower back region to the end of each leg through the hips. Sciatic pain radiates along the length of the sciatic nerve; however, at one time, it affects only one side of the body. It means someone cannot experience sciatica in both legs.  Make an appointment with our sciatica chiropractors at 404-565-0414 today, or request your appointment here


sciatica and Chiropractic Care

Sciatica is such a painful condition that it restricts body movement, especially in the lumbar spine region. In modern medical terminology, almost every pain that originates in the lower back region and radiates down the leg is referred to as "sciatica." If you have sciatica, the first symptom you might experience is the pinching, irritating pain anywhere along the sciatic nerve path. One of the significant signs of sciatica is the radiating pain from the buttocks to the end of the legs. Sometimes, the sciatic nerve compression can also trigger sciatica, such as lifting a heavy object or experiencing a sudden back and forth movement. 

Muscle weakness in legs and feet is another indication of sciatica due to which you may experience numbness in your leg or pins-and-needles sensation in your feet and toes. The symptoms are worse with extreme radiating pain if a true injury occurs in the sciatic nerve, though it's rare. 

What is the nature of Sciatic Pain?

The patients suffering from sciatica describe this pain in various ways, depending on what has caused it. For example, some patients described it as a sharp and shooting pain in which you may feel jolts of pain after specific intervals. Other patients describe it as a burning, electric, or stabbing pain. The intensity of pain is directly related to the cause of it. The sciatica pain may stay constant or come and go after short intervals. It is usually more severe and sharp in the legs than the lower back region. The sciatic pain usually rises to its peak if you sit or stand for a long period of time. A sudden body movement that involves the movement of leg and feet muscles especially can make the pain worse. 

What are some causes of sciatica?

  • Herniated or Slipped Disk

Herniated Disc or slipping is one of the most usual causes of sciatica because that puts pressure on the sciatic nerve root. Disks are cushion pads between the vertebrae of the spine that act as a shock absorber when the body experiences any sudden back and forth movement. In herniated disks, the gel-like center of the disks bulges out due to the weakness in the outer layer. While in a slipped disk, the whole disk gets displaced from its original position because of external force or pressure on the body. The herniated or slipped disk can put pressure on the sciatic nerve and press it, which can lead to sciatica. 

  • Degenerative Disk Disease

Degenerative Disk disease is another medical condition associated with spinal disks. This condition leads to the natural wear down of the spinal disks, as a result, the nerve passageway becomes narrower and can lead to the pinching of the sciatic nerve.

  • Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a bone disease which is characterized by bone spurs. It can compress the lower back nerves, including the sciatic nerve, leading to sciatica. 

  • Trauma Injury

Any sort of traumatic injury that can affect the sciatic nerve could lead to sciatica. Injuries to the lumbar spine can trigger sciatica.

  • Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome is referred to as a medical condition in which the piriformis muscle becomes tight or develops spasms. This muscle lies deep in the buttocks in the form of a small flexible plate. The tightened piriformis muscle puts pressure on the sciatic nerve and produces pinching or irritation in it. 

  • Cauda Equina Syndrome

Though it isn't often the case, Cauda equina can trigger sciatica pain. It's a medical condition in which a bundle of nerves is affected at the spinal cord's end. This syndrome produces stinging pain down the legs, causes numbness around the anus, and loss of bowel and bladder control. 

What are the major signs and symptoms of sciatica?

  • Moderate to severe back pain that radiates down the leg. 
  • Numbness and weakness in the legs, feet, buttocks, and lower back.
  • Worsening of pain on movement
  • Loss of movement
  • Pins and needles sensations in legs, feet, and toes. 
  • Loose of bowel and bladder control

sciatica and Chiropractic Care

If you're suffering from sciatica, chiropractic treatment can help you relieve it gently and naturally. However, you need the services of a professional chiropractor for this purpose. Luckily, You have the option of Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center, a professional Chiropractic Center that offers state-of-the-art chiropractic care at affordable rates. We have a team of professional and highly experienced chiropractors that is well-qualified to treat sciatica. We treat sciatica without using any invasive, harmful or costly treatment. Our treatment procedures are based on completely non-invasive methodologies. 

At Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center, sciatica is treated by using the following modern chiropractic techniques:

  • Chiropractic Massage/Muscle Therapy

The chiropractic way of massage is a natural and intense way of dealing with sciatica. Getting massage therapy from a professional chiropractor like Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center can induce deep down relaxation into your muscles and release endorphins that act as natural painkillers. Unlike regular spa massages, chiropractic therapies don't produce muscle tension or muscle soreness as they are more focused on treating sciatica and produce soothing effects. Our chiropractors know about the whole musculoskeletal system of the human body. They exactly know the sites where the pressure application is required to ensure the speedy healing process. We provide the best chiropractic therapy services at Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness center to make sure that you get back to your normal routine life as soon as possible. 

  • Heat and Cold Therapies

Altering cold and heat therapy is a popular chiropractic treatment tool to provide relief from sciatic pain. chiropractors used these therapies as a non-harmful, non-painful, and non-invasive way of treating sciatica. Health and Cold therapies provide separate advantages to the body. Heat heals tight muscles by alleviating the tension in them. On the other hand, cold therapies reduce the speed of blood flow and alleviate the symptoms of inflammation and irritation. We have the second to none heat and cold therapies facilities at Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center. Our chiropractors understand which therapy is suitable for you, whether to use both and how often to alter them. 

  • Chiropractic Adjustments

Our professional chiropractors can apply spinal manipulations to treat the causes of sciatica. For example, if a patient is suffering from sciatica due to herniated or slipped disk, our chiropractors apply spinal manipulation to adjust the herniated or slipped disk into its normal position. The restoration of herniated or slipped disk leads to the lifting of the pressure on the sciatic nerve and hence relieves sciatic pain. Chiropractic adjustments can also free limited spinal movement and restore misaligned vertebral discs. This technique varies from a quick high-velocity thrust to a combination of minimal force and gentle pressure. It allows the chiropractor to gently move the lower back vertebral to avoid pressing on the sciatic nerve. 

Our chiropractors use chiropractic adjustment as a significant natural treatment too for spasms and muscle tension. Chiropractic adjustments have a very healthy role in the alleviation of sciatica symptoms. 

  • Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound therapy is another modern chiropractic technique our chiropractors use for the treatment of sciatica at Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center. Ultrasound therapy uses gentle heat produced by sound waves to treat the body tissues. It has been proven to be very useful for promoting healing in patients suffering from sciatica pain. Besides this, this therapy can be used to treat cramps, swelling, and muscle spasms. 

Apart from these popular techniques, our chiropractors also use stretches and soft tissue work to treat sciatica. We have a highly experienced team of chiropractors that make you feel relaxed even after the first session of the treatment. 

Book an Appointment with One of Our professional chiropractors to Relieve sciatica!

If sciatic pain has disturbed your daily routine life, it's time to book an appointment with one of the professional chiropractors at Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center. We have also initiated a Family Wellness Program under which we're providing the best chiropractic care for all your family at affordable prices. We're undoubtedly the best of the best chiropractor Center you can trust. Our treatments work with a guarantee. We don't follow one treatment plan for all our patients as our chiropractors design customized treatment solutions to meet the sciatica treatment needs of all our patients. 

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What Is Sciatica? Causes and Symptoms

Strictly speaking, sciatica is a collection of symptoms -- the actual condition is the underlying circumstance in which it inflames, impinges or damages the nerve roots connecting the sciatic nerve to the spinal column. These major conduits feed motor and sensory signals to the even more massive sciatic nerve, which then relays them to all the lesser nerves in the hip, leg and foot. When this nerve tissue can't communicate signals properly, you may experience:

  • Low back pain
  • Leg or buttock pain
  • Weakness in the leg or foot
  • Tingling or loss of sensation in the foot

The most severe (emergency) cases can even affect bladder/bowel function. 

Why does sciatic nerve tissue get pinched in the first place? Normal age-related spinal changes can play a role. (The problem commonly strikes in middle age.) A bone spur or vertebral alignment shift can put pressure on nerve tissue. Flattened, bulging disks may herniate, with the herniated disk material pushing on the nerve roots and interfering with their function. A herniated disk or spinal subluxation from an auto accident or other traumatic injury can also leave you with sciatica. Whatever the cause, sciatica don't fully resolve itself; it will come and go in bouts until you address the underlying cause by seeing your College Park chiropractor.

Each chiropractor on our team at Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center sees patients who suffer from many common maladies -- and sciatica is one of the most common of all, affecting some 40 percent of the population at some point in their lives. Sciatica symptoms can leave you all but incapacitated for weeks at a time, only to revisit you time after time. If you would like to get rid of your sciatica issues without dealing with surgery or painkillers, come to Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center for natural sciatica treatment in College Park and Riverdale, GA.

Natural Techniques for Relieving Sciatic Nerve Problems

Our chiropractors in College Park and Riverdale don't need surgery or painkillers to resolve your sciatica safely and effectively. The first step involves examining your spinal structure and alignment thoroughly to pinpoint the bone spur, herniated disk or other cause of your sciatic nerve impingement. We can then administer targeted chiropractic adjustments to reposition vertebral discs and joints. This frees up more space for the sciatic nerve roots, taking the pinch off your nervous system to relieve your low back pain and leg symptoms.

Once your sciatica is gone, your chiropractor in college Park can help keep it at bay. Periodic spinal screenings and incremental adjustments can prevent re-impingement, while exercises and lifestyle changes can help you maintain your newly corrected alignment.

Need a sciatica Chiropractor?

If you're looking for a sciatica chiropractor who knows how to treat sciatica, your search is over. Call Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center at 404-565-0414 for an appointment!

Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center

College Park Chiropractors & Riverdale Chiropractors

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