Our College Park Office

(404) 565-0414

Our Riverdale Office

(770) 703-5889

Chiropractic Care For Union City, GA


Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center:  404-565-0414  or   770-703-5889

Our South Atlanta Chiropractic Offices are approximately 5 minutes away from Union City, GA. Our chiropractic clinics are located at 5495 Old National Hwy. Suite C1, College Park, GA 30349 and 7594 GA-85, Riverdale, GA 30274. If you are living in Union City, GA, and are in need of chiropractic services, give our chiropractors a call. Our local chiropractors are experts in alleviating pain and addressing its root causes through completely natural chiropractic treatment. If you are looking for a Union City Chiropractor, call today, or request your appointment here. Our offices are where the best chiropractic care is provided to patients suffering from pain and personal injuries.

Chiropractic care for union city, ga

The primary focus at our chiropractic clinic is to alleviate your pain after addressing its root causes. Our top rated chiropractors help to relieve Union City patient's pain through complete non-invasive and non-surgical methods. Pain relief is very important for the further treatment of injuries because further treatment can only proceed if the patient feels comfortable. We try our best to alleviate your pain in a minimal time, so further treatment can be planned. 


Personal Injury Rehabilitation

If you live in Union City and have been involved in a car accident or DUI Accident and get injured yourself, personal injury chiropractors are the best car accident doctors to get high-quality injury care that will help your recovery. Many of our patients have reported that their health has been considerably improved under our chiropractic care. 


Our chiropractors are experts in diagnosing the root and underlying causes of pain and address them to naturally alleviate your pain. We don't use medications or surgeries like medical doctors. Our treatment is non-surgical and safe. 

Family Wellness Care for union city, ga

Apart from helping Union City get pain relief and speed up your recovery process, family chiropractic care also improves your family’s overall performance so you can achieve new levels of health. Our chiropractors for Union City families can help you with joint mobility, strength, flexibility, and injury prevention. 


We initiated Family Wellness recently to provide the best chiropractic care for all Union City family members. You can set up appointments for you and your Union City family with us to get quality chiropractic care for needs.

personal injury chiropractic care

At Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center, we can treat almost all types of personal injuries. Chiropractors strive to provide the best possible care to the patients no matter what type of injury is. 


Auto Accident and Driving Under Influence (DUI) Injuries

Both auto and DUI accident injuries are serious types of auto accident injuries nowadays. An auto accident can cause serious injuries to virtually any part of the body. These injuries can be mild to serious and sometimes life-threatening. 


Some common injuries that can result from Auto or DUI accidents are as follows:

  • TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Back Pain/Injuries
  • Internal Injuries
  • Fractures and Broken Bones 
  • Scar Tissues 
  • Inflammation
  • Limb injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Neck Injuries
  • Knee Injuries
  • Foot and ankle injuries 
  • Shoulder Injuries
  • Wrist and hand injuries

How We Treat Auto or DUI Accident Injuries?

Being highly experienced chiropractors near Union City, we can help you heal perfectly from any sort of auto or DUI accident injury. The first thing we do regarding chiropractic treatment of a patient suffering from an auto injury is to alleviate pain as soon as possible through proper assessment


Afterwards, our chiropractors will do an evaluation of your injuries to make a customized treatment plan. We can identify injuries and sources of pain instead of numbing them through conventional medications like medical doctors. They will perform joint and spinal adjustment through physiotherapy to normalize your body functions. 

With our quality chiropractic care, you may experience the following primary benefits:

  • Reduce Inflammation 
  • Reduce Pain
  • Eliminate Scar Tissues from the body
  • Decreased need for medication 
  • Restore normal range of motion
  • Long-term benefits

Auto or DUI Accident injuries can lead to micro-tears within ligaments and muscles of the body. These micro-tears can produce inflammation in affected parts of the body. Chiropractic care, by spinal adjustments, can help your body produce natural anti-inflammatory substances that can heal these micro-tears and reduce inflammation. 

female chiropractor near me

Scar tissue, which is produced because of injuries, can cause stiffness and soreness in body muscles. Chiropractors can target these scar tissues and eliminate them from the body after breaking them to speed up the healing process. Fewer scar tissues mean a patient is likely to feel better much faster. Apart from treating injuries, we also focus on the long-term effects of these injuries. Our chiropractors near Union City will try their best to reduce the long-term effects of injuries as much as possible. 

Chiropractic treatment methods are completely natural and non-invasive. We don't use any medications or painkillers that can cause addiction or dependency. Chiropractic adjustments can ensure that the true injury is being healthy, and the pain is not simply being alleviated as an effect of traditional medications. 

Sports Injuries

Often, we hear of professional athletes and players suffering from different types of sports injuries. The injuries that are caused or happen in the sports are categorized as Sports Injuries. Usually, most sports injuries are not serious; however, some sports injuries are career-ending such as fractures and broken bones, etc. It is not only the professional athletes who sustain injuries while playing or practicing, amateur athletes and weekend warriors are also equally susceptible. 


The most common sports injuries are joint injuries. Commonly, a traumatic force to a joint in motion can cause hyperflexion or hyperextension which can lead to an injury. Torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament is an example of this type of injury. Some other possible sports injuries include:

  • TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) 
  • Knee Injuries
  • Shoulder Injuries
  • Joint Injuries
  • Bone Fractures 
  • Spinal Injuries
  • Back Pain
  • Concussion

Sports Injury Chiropractic Care

At Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center, we have a long and vibrant history of treating injuries of professional and recreational athletes. Our sports chiropractors for Union City are highly experienced in treating sports injuries and enhancing athletic performance. They are specially trained to assess, diagnose and manage sports injuries as a part of their core competencies. Chiropractors near Union City can help in the determination of the cause of pain through comprehensive physical examination. 


We can determine the best treatment plan according to the nature of the injury. Chiropractic care sometimes includes joint manipulation/mobilization, adjunct modalities, rehabilitation, and soft tissue therapies. We also help patients to do individualized corrective exercises to enhance their speed of recovery. Thanks to our experienced chiropractors, we can determine the best strategy for you to return to play. 

Slip & Fall Accident Injury care for union city, ga

Slip & Fall Accident injuries are another common type of personal injury for those living in Union City. These injuries can happen at any place including roads, homes, and workplaces, etc. People of all ages are susceptible to slip & fall injuries. For example, housewives could suffer from Slip & Fall accidents and injuries in their kitchens. Workers working in a factory, or any other workplace are also at risk of this type of injury. 


Following are some common Slip & Fall Accident Injuries:

  • Back and Shoulder injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Concussion
  • Fractures or Broken Bones
  • Spinal Cord injuries
  • Misalignment of Spine

We employ a wide range of treatment strategies including physical therapies, spinal adjustments, spinal decompression, and muscle alignment techniques. We ensure that you recover in a shorter period. Chiropractors are trained for treating all types of Slip & Fall Injuries, so you can feel reassured in this regard.


A concussion is one of the most common types of Brain traumatic injuries. It is also called mild brain traumatic injury but it is equally dangerous to any of the brain injuries. A concussion is caused by a sudden bump, jolt, or blow to the head. People of all ages can suffer from a concussion because of an accident, sports injury, or any type of personal injury. The most common symptom of concussion is a headache. In most cases, the signs and symptoms of concussion resolve within 13-20 days but with proper chiropractic care like at Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center, you may be able to recover from a concussion in less time. 


The most significant target of concussion is brain functioning. It disrupts normal brain functions temporarily. A sudden strong force that can cause your head to forcefully jerk forwards, backward, or to the side, can also cause a concussion. 

Following are some common signs and symptoms of concussions:

  • Headache 
  • Confusion
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Ringing sensation in the ears
  • Loss of consciousness (temporary) 
  • Blurry vision
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Trouble in understanding
  • Depression
  • Sadness
  • Foggy Brain
  • Short attention span

Concussions are not usually life-threatening except in serious cases. A concussion causes stretching and bruises blood vessels and nerves. This could lead to chemical changes in the brain that can cause temporary loss of normal brain function. Multiple concussions over a short period of time could prove to be life-threatening if not treated in the early stages. 

Treatment for Concussions

At Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center, our chiropractors treat concussions caused by different types of injuries such as accident injuries, slip & fall injuries or sports injuries, etc. As we have mentioned earlier, a concussion causes damage to nerves and blood vessels. It also causes compression of the spine and head nerves that lead to severe headaches. We perform spine adjustments to decompress nerves and realign the cranial bones after a concussion. We are experts in performing manual adjustments especially in the cervical and thoracic regions of the spine. Chiropractors use different adjustment techniques to adjust the cranial bones and relieve pressure on spines and nerves. 

Adjustments cannot only provide you with pain relief but also restore your health. With the best chiropractic care, we ensure that you have a speedy recovery from a concussion. 

book an appointment with a chiropractor near union city today!

Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center is here to serve you and will be happy to answer any questions related to your health or injuries. Feel Free to book an appointment with a highly experienced walk-in chiropractor. 

Apart from the injuries, we also accept Workers’ Compensation at Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center. No matter what type of workplace injury you are suffering from, our chiropractors will help you heal faster and get a speedy recovery. We are providing the best chiropractic care according to your company contract. 

When you look to find a chiropractor, we hope that you will also be extremely satisfied and recommend chiropractic care to your family and friends. With our modern chiropractic methods, we want everyone healthy and active. Help us help you build your healthy future! Union City patients call for chiropractic services at 404-565-0414 today, or request your appointment here.

Metro Atlanta Injury & Wellness Center

College Park Chiropractors & Riverdale Chiropractors

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

College Park Office


10:00 AM - 7:00 PM


10:00 AM - 7:00 PM


10:00 AM - 7:00 PM


10:00 AM - 7:00 PM


10:00 AM - 7:00 PM


10:00 AM - 1:00 PM



Riverdale Office


10:00 AM - 7:00 PM


10:00 AM - 7:00 PM


10:00 AM - 7:00 PM


10:00 AM - 7:00 PM







College Park Office

10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Riverdale Office

10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM